Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pork Rind Politics

Have you been watching?

In my previous post I talked about the pork in the latest round of bailouts, not to be confused with the spending, er, I mean "stimulus" plan. I mentioned the TARP 1 in a previous post followed by TARP 2, and to be on the lookout for TARP 3. There's rumor on the hill of a second round of stimulus, arguably the TARP 3 I predicted. Ok, so lets get started.

First, President Obama announced during is his address to the nation that he "just signed a bill with 'no earmarks.'" There was very limited, scattered applause to the statement, but more than that there was clearly a good amount of caterwauling and protest by Republicans in the chamber. But that was a tad disingenuous. In fact it was a bit more than a tad disingenuous.

Why? Well because although there was pork and earmarks in that bill, according to the experts, only 60% of it was sponsored by democrats. They say that the other nearly 40% was sponsored by republicans. So as Shakespeare said, "Methinks thou protesteth too much."

As doctor Phil is fond of saying "It's time to get real here..."

Fox News Channel has offered all politicians with pet projects in the recent legislation to come on their station and defend their earmark. Thus far, only two politicians have taken them up on their offer. Congressman Bennett R-Utah defended the Mormon cricket earmark, and Congresswoman Moore, D-WI defended money to Marquette University to develop a program to convert human waste (excrement) to electrical energy or, "Poop To Power." Catchy, eh? The point is, although there's an open offer, only two have had the guts to defend themselves on air. To all the other politicians out there....... we're waiting. Special note to all the other news media, you might want to enter into the arena of journalism and lend a hand to the disclosure by the remaining politicians that need to make a visit to the confession booth.

Senator Chuck Schumer, D-NY went so far as to say the American people don't care. Click this link so you can here him say it for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEfICUoWKBw

Folks, both democrats and republicans have their hands in the cookie jar here. In fact, it's more than just their hand, they're in all the way up to their elbows. Yet all the while, they're pointing at each other. It's as though they think that if they can yell loud enough about the other guy we'll be oblivious to their own participation in the sham. Put simply, THEY THINK YOU'RE STUPID... Well, are you?

It's nice to see the bump in the stock market, but beware of ANY politician who tries to take credit for anything other than sending it down to the abysmal levels we've seen of late. The subprime mess is still working itself out and although nobody can say for sure, it may have a ways to go before we're out of the woods. For a view of the foxes guarding the hen house, click below:


Are you angry yet? If you're not, you're either blind, dumb, or dead. Or... like Senator Schumer said, you simply don't care.

If you don't care, don't complain. If you do care, commit yourself to actually doing something about it. Learn more. Click here: http://newamericanteaparty.com

And of course, keep visiting here.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Obama Earmark Generation

For months and months passionate people waved signs and shouted, "Bush Lied! Kids Died!"

The mantra was loud and pervasive. Even those in congress on the Democrat side of the aisle backtracked, backpedalled and started speaking out against the war, even though they were on public record as having supported President Bush and the war in Iraq just weeks before.

Here at American Revolution, we can only sit back and chuckle at the dunderheads in our nation's capital. In Washington, everytime they're about to lie or say the exact opposite of what they said before, they preface their statement with "Let me be clear..." Let me be clear? Why? Weren't you clear before? I guess not... So Washington, what are you saying? Are you saying that we SHOULDN'T listen to you the first time, because we know that you will soon "be clear" and say the opposite of what you just said?

Bush lied, kids died. Ok, if you say so. As they say in court, "I'll stipulate..."

On the flipside, our new President has lied. It's time for a new mantra:

"Obama lied, pork not fried!"

During his campaign, President Obama made a campaign pledge to put a BAN on earmarks. Well, (get ready, wait for it...) "Let me be clear...!"

Obama just did a 180 degree reversal on his pledge. You can search for it on the internet as much as you like, but here's one quick link: http://bulletin.aarp.org/yourworld/politics/articles/obama_backs_off_earmark_pledge.html?CMP=KNC-360I-GOOGLE-BULL&HBX_OU=50&HBX_PK=earmarks

More recently, when questioned about other "changes" in execution of his administrations plans that appeared to be contrary to what he told his adoring masses during his campaign, Obama replied, "That was campaign rhetoric..."

So, I guess that means that politicians, all politicians -- Democrat and Republican, feel it is their perogative to lie during their campaign?

Washington! Listen up! This is exactly what the American people are sick of!

Obama said he would put a ban on earmarks but then signs a bill laden with pork! You sir, are a liar! And so is every other politician who says one thing and does another!

To your chagrin, Washington, there are video recorders, cell phone movies etc. You can no longer say one thing and do another without people being able to produce proof that you lied.

Your sin will be found out. The American people are tired and they are hurting. Like a wounded animal, they will strike back viciously.

Politicians, be on notice: We here in the blogosphere are watching.

Join the American Revolution... Stay tuned.